Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas To All From Cancer Defeated

I feel that on this day we should pause for a moment from figuring out ways to beat cancer, and just enjoy the blessings of the season. I hope the blessings are abundant for you and those you love, whatever faith you practice or holy days you celebrate.

This is also a good time to thank you for reading our publications and supporting our work. Our mission is to relieve people's suffering. It's as simple as that ? simple to say, but not simple to do. It's certainly not free.

Your dollars make it possible for us to research and write the books and articles we publish, get them printed, travel to Europe, Mexico or elsewhere as needed to interview doctors and get more information ? to do all the things we need to do to bring the best cancer treatments to you. It takes around four months of full-time work for a highly qualified writer to create one of our Special Reports. The full-length books, of course, take much longer.

We have three highly qualified technical people on our staff just to solve the myriad problems of publishing and distributing on the Internet. You would be amazed (I am, every day) at how complicated it is.

By my count, about ten people earn their primary living from Cancer Defeated Publications and about ten more earn a large chunk of their living from it. Many have children to support and mortgages to pay. We're mindful every day of what a blessing you are in our lives.

Let me introduce you to our staff. . .

Sherry Finn is my partner and a valued advisor to everyone in this venture. Her innate kindness, modesty and truthfulness inspire the whole staff to a higher standard. Sherry lives in the South Bay area of Los Angeles.

Joe Ackerson works with me in our Virginia headquarters. He's my personal assistant, the company's bookkeeper, the fulfillment manager who makes sure you get your books or reports if you order a printed copy. . .and more.

Joe's lovely wife Mia helps us pack a book now and then as needed (and also cooks me treats!)

Cami Lemr, near Atlanta, has been with Cancer Defeated from the beginning ? six years. She started out packing and shipping books and reports for us. Now she answers all our customer service emails and also proofreads for us, so that our material doesn't arrive in your inbox full of misspellings and other bloopers. Cami is Joe's sister.

Jenessa Hansford, packs and ships books for us, as do the happily married Ken and Joanie Kurpik. All three live in Virginia.

Milli Hare, in Virginia, fields phone calls from customers (but we prefer that you email if you have a problem!)

Shelley Couillard, in Florida, plunges into the scary jungle of our computer system every day and creates the labels we use to ship books and reports to customers.

Our technology experts

Michelle Mato is our Information Technology Advisor and the person we count on to keep us up and running on the Internet. Michelle has been with us from the beginning and has been one of the key people who helped build the organization. She lives in the South Bay area of Los Angeles.

Steve MacLellan, in Nova Scotia, Canada, is our Webmaster. That means he's our nuts and bolts expert on computer programming, websites and order-taking processes. Steve designs our newsletters and makes sure they go out on time.

David Dittman lives in Alabama and is the newest member of our technical team. David brings our group a very broad and deep knowledge of computer programming and web publishing. He's worked with some of the top people in the business.

Turning now to our talented writing staff. . .

Three freelance writers help me get out the two newsletters we publish every week: Mindy McHorse in New Mexico, Carol Parks in Michigan, and Roz Roscoe in Georgia. The newsletter wouldn't exist without them. Even with the four of us, it's almost too much work to keep up with!

Susan Clark, a freelance writer in Orange County, California, wrote two of our special reports plus a great deal of our advertising. She also gives us all kinds of good advice on what's most likely to interest our readers. Susan's husband Kevin shoots the videos you receive from us every now and then.

Andrew Scholberg is a freelance writer who lives in Chicago. If you've ever purchased a special report from us, chances are pretty good it was written by Andy! Andy has been with Cancer Defeated Publications from the beginning and I'm not sure we would have succeeded without him. He's our expert on alternative cancer clinics, having visited and written about those in the United States, Mexico, Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

And marketing experts, without whom
you'd never hear of our publications. . .

Shane Holley is an expert Internet marketer who's helping us develop a new, pioneering way of reaching people with information about alternative cancer treatments. Shane lives in Alabama.

Tony Cornish is another charter member of Cancer Defeated. His wise counsel helped get us started when we knew almost nothing about Internet publishing. He's an expert on getting readers to open their minds and hearts to new information -- instead of hitting "delete." Tony lives in the Washington, DC area.

Josh Doherty joined us last summer to help us find our way in a specialized area of marketing. We're hoping Josh's efforts will spread the word about alternative cancer treatment to thousands of people we can't reach now. Josh lives in upstate New York.

Anne Caballero helps us out with a wide range of tasks including proof-reading, fact-checking, and creating marketing reports. Anne lives in the South Bay area of Los Angeles.

To all of these hard-working people, many thanks ? and have a blessed and joyous Christmas! You deserve it. I don't know how many people's lives have been saved by Cancer Defeated. But I suspect it's quite a few.

Kindest regards,

Lee Euler,
Editor & Publisher

Online Publishing and Marketing

Source: http://www.fastpitchnetworking.com/pressrelease.cfm?PRID=75741

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