Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Blake Lively: "I?ve Never Been Happier in My Life"

Blake Lively might have been keeping her marriage to Ryan Reynolds top secret in the weeks leading up to their hush-hush wedding ceremony, but she's not been hiding the fact that she wants to have a family.


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Daytrading, Stock Trading, Investing and Forex Trading ? Stock ...

Knowledge gives power and each one knows that without it your are lost. * Penny Stocks And Shares are similar to any other stocks you've got to be able to recognise the trends for satisfactory trading and profit. When the market is changing down or up is the disparity between turning a nice profit and losing money. You'll have to invest your resources to finding out about the numerous penny stocks and shares to grasp when their market will change. Picking the ?gainers? and avoiding the ?losers? is the name of the game. Warren Buffett knows this idea well, and that made him the second-richest man in the world today.

What if you might leverage a powerful solid research of market factors and patterns, correctly foretelling the best stocks to buy? Now would not that give you the benefit easily? These are what automated securities dealing robotic systems do best. What if you had a technique to tell which stocks are intending to make a murdering in the market? Spot the ?gainers? earlier without counting on brokers or crafty insider information. He presumed the market was ?kind ? to him and profits started to come easily. He got excited! He could at last see in his mind, his dreams becoming totally real.

He had 1 or 2 little losses but he knew this was the name of the game. Think about this eventuality 2 months on, that job was now simply a memory and he was spending his days speaking to ship yards about the ideal ship and catching up on all the stuff he'd been delaying.

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Green Blog: Corporations Slow to Act on Climate Change, Report Says

While many continue to argue, along with Milton Friedman, that ?the business of business is business,? more and more publicly traded companies around the world have been embracing sustainability as a long-term strategic asset in the face of climate change.

But not enough of them are doing so, according to a report released on Wednesday by the Carbon Disclosure Project, a British nonprofit group that gathers information for investors about the environmental policies of large companies and the environmental risks they face. The readership includes investors and investment funds worth trillions of dollars.

The group?s 2012 Global 500 Climate Change Report, based on responses from 379 of the world?s 500 largest companies in terms of market capitalization, said that 82 percent of those responding set emission reduction targets of some sort, but that most of those targets are short-term. Some 20 percent have targets that extend beyond 2020, it said.

On average, the companies? longer-term absolute targets for reducing their greenhouse gas emissions are only around 1 percent per year, the report said ? ?well below the level of ambition needed? to ultimately limit the rise in global temperatures to no more than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above what it was in pre-industrial times.

Some of the most interesting details in the report, however, related to problems in specific countries or industries. For instance, the total cost of the floods in Thailand last year was $15 billion to $20 billion, the report said. The automaker Daimler said the floods disrupted the automotive supply industry, and Hewlett-Packard and Dell said the flooding resulted in shortages of critical components and materials.

The report offers a reminder that the weather-related catastrophes of 2011 in some ways eclipse those we have seen this year. The German insurer Allianz said that it paid out $2.2 billion in claims relating to natural catastrophes, its largest ever.

The increasing risks that climate change poses for the insurance industry has long been a focus for Ceres, a Massachusetts-based nonprofit that, like the Carbon Disclosure Project, aims to supply investors with information about potential environmental costs and benefits for various publicly owned companies. The president of Ceres, Mindy Lubbers, noted this year that last year?s weather extremes resulted in near-record underwriting losses and many credit rating downgrades among property and casualty insurers in the United States.

The Carbon Disclosure Project?s report concludes: ?Those companies that have an awareness of long-term climate-change risks and opportunities reflected in their business strategy will gain strategic advantage over their competitors.?


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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Recipe app aims to provide inspiration for meals

TORONTO (Reuters) - Anyone looking to expand their culinary horizons beyond steak and potatoes or spaghetti may find inspiration in a new app that provides recipes based on what is already stocked in the refrigerator.

Gojee, for iPad, iPhone and Android devices, aims to inspire food lovers by providing recipes that incorporate particular ingredients, rather than for an exact dish.

Lobster lovers can swipe through full-screen photos and recipes for dishes such as lobster carpaccio, butter-poached lobster with fresh tomatoes, or lobster macaroni and cheese with truffles.

"Its biggest value is in a new way to cook something, whether it's chicken or pork or turkey or fish. Often the way it's prepared is what is unique," said Michael Lavalle, co-founder and CEO of New York City-based startup Gojee.

The app aims to replicate the experience of being in a restaurant, where a diner might see a tantalizing dish zoom by and decide that it is worth ordering.

"You didn't need to see 15 data points to have a hunch it was going to be good," Lavalle said.

The app is focused more on discovery than leading a cook to an exact dish. But the company is hoping that users will also tote the newly released mobile app along with them as a tool at the grocery store.

A shopper, for example, might walk into a store and see fresh salmon on sale, and perhaps also have some fresh cilantro at home they need to use. They could then plug these two ingredients into the app and find recipes that incorporate them, such as a salmon curry or roasted salmon with pink peppercorn sauce, and purchase the extra ingredients they would need.

Gojee has fewer filters than other recipe services, but there is the option to filter out recipes that include particular ingredients, which Lavalle said is helpful for picky eaters or people with allergies.

"You can put in gluten-free or vegetarian and it restricts the recipes to those parameters," he explained.

The service includes over 10,000 recipes from approximately 300 food bloggers around the world. For cocktail lovers, there is also a separate drinks section.

But the app will not help people looking for variations on a particular dish because it was not developed with that focus.

"It's much more inspiration driven than utility driven," Lavalle said.

The company plans to expand beyond recipes into other areas such as home decor, women's fashion and art.

"Our overarching goal is to define and carve out the mobile Web that's emotional, pleasurable and visual," Lavalle added.

(Editing by Patricia Reaney and Eric Beech)


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HP Trots Out 4 Big, Bold Win 8 All-in-Ones

At a time when consumers are flocking to tablets and laptops, HP has decided to push strongly into the all-in-one PC market. The company on Monday announced four new consumer AIO PCs: the Envy 20 and Envy 23, the SpectreONE and the HP Pavilion 20. All four are designed to work with Windows 8, and are positioned as entertainment devices.


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Monday, September 10, 2012

Nasdaq expects fourth-quarter SEC ruling on Facebook compensation plan

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Productivity, Project Management

What's The Apps: 30/30 - TechnoBuffalo

What's The Apps: 30/30 - TechnoBuffalo

This week, JQ checks out 30/30 - a to-do and egg-timer'ish hybrid productivity app with a minimalistic touch-friendly UI. If you're one for productivity apps or if you're looking for something to spice up your time-management app arsenal, you gotta check out 30/30!
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Time Management & Productivity

Time Management & Productivity This time management and productivity tool ends your distractions and keeps you right on course. Project Action Machine is simple, yet powerful. It allows you to map your entire day, and ensure you maximum efficiency.
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The Most Powerful Productivity Secret

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FAQ #3 How Can I Improve My Time Management Skills?

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Mistakes in Launching a Software Product | Tech With Us

Ideally the launching of a software product should be the coronation of the enormous amount of effort (and expenses) dedicated by a company to the development of a new product that is meant to help it gain some terrain over its competition.

Unfortunately, things do not always go as smooth as it would be expected. There are cases though when a product?s launch goes exactly as scheduled, when the software functions perfectly, or when unexpected situations do not occur. Nevertheless, undesirable situations can be avoided, if not altogether, at least to a quite great extent.

Common Mistakes When Launching a Software Product

Rumor has it that ?to err is human?. Yet, errors made when launching or preparing to launch a software product can cost dearly. Any aspect that was neglected or treated superficially can have significant negative consequences. Following are some of the most common mistakes that are made during or before launching a product.

- Failure to perform an accurate, thorough market research. It is imperative that you find out as accurately as possible what segment of the market your software will be dedicated to, what needs there are on that particular segment and how you can meet them, what prospective customers expect to get, how the media sees the product you?re envisaging, etc.

I also found an article you might find useful, ?11 Questions Every Marketer Needs to Ask? , dealing with aspects like pricing, segmentation, product positioning etc.

- Not being realistic about the expenses implied by such an event. The budget must be well thought. Be realistic when assessing the costs of your product launch. If you don?t plan everything well enough, you could end up spending much more than originally predicted. Even better, you could propose a bigger budget for the unforeseen situations; preventing is better that facing.

- Not dedicating enough time for planning a marketing strategy. It is important to give yourself enough time to plan ahead. You must be able to see into the future up to the moment when the product will be launched and establish a series of steps that you must go through prior to the launch itself. Such steps would include:

1. thoroughly investigating the market and attempting to find out where you stand

2. analyzing your past experience in conjunction with what you are planning to do and how

3. preparing information that will go to the media (e.g. press releases), as well as advertising campaigns.

- Ignoring the fact that it is the market that dictates your product. Always remember that you have to be objective. It?s not about what you want, but what the people need. It is according to this need that you have to develop your software.
Not providing all the necessary data to the company that takes care of your software?s launch. Of course, the best approach would be, if the budget allows it, to hire professionals that will handle all the process before and during the launch of your software. But be prepared to provide them with all the data that they need, both on your company and on the software you are working on.

Failure to do so can have catastrophic results, as insufficient data can lead to an unsatisfied audience, poor coverage in the media, negative comments, and, ultimately, in your failure to reach your goal.

- Failure to pre-launch or to announce your software?s launching. Don?t just organize the launching event, and, when that day comes, expect it to be all peachy. It won?t. Create awareness about your new software some time in advance. Let your prospective customers know that you?re going to have a software product launch by means of newsletters.

Tell them a few things about the new product, not too much so as to spoil the surprise, but enough to capture their interest. Make sure you have a demo available so that they can actually see what it will be about. I also recommend this article about online software marketing methods giving hints on pre-launching software methods.

- Not analyzing the feedback you get on your beta version. If you release a beta version of your software so that you can see what potential users/customers think about it, make sure you are open minded and prepared to receive a lot of criticism. Look at it constructively, and don?t take it personally. Even if some comments will be rude, keep in mind that most of them will help you notice the flaws of your software and thus allow you to correct them before the actual launch.

Some ways to get feedback are:

1. feedback survey

2. contact form

3. when uninstalling software (the user is asked for the reasons for uninstalling the program)

4. support forum

5. testimonials, etc.

- Not testing the product yourself. You have to put yourself in the customer?s shoes. See how you feel when you use the software. Does it respond well to commands? Does it answer your needs? Here is an article, ?The Other Side of the Interface? , which I personally enjoyed a lot. It provides helpful information about the psychological impact that computer software have on the overall perception of humans.

- Choosing the bad time for the launch. Most experts say that it is preferable to choose a day when most of the people you target are free, such as weekends. Also, it?s best not to choose a day that also corresponds to a significant national or religious holiday. Don?t neglect the time of day when the launch is scheduled. Make sure it?s not too early or too late into the day. Otherwise, you will not be able to capture your audience?s attention, as you should.

- Failure to get all the necessary resources for a successful launching event. Make sure you have everything covered, from featured speakers to catering (if applicable), from technology (computers, video projectors, etc.) to sound systems.

- Not giving enough time to your prospective customers to prepare. Bear in mind that you have to let people know about this event at least 2-3 weeks before its scheduled date. Give them time to make arrangements and to check their agendas for that date. Failure to do so can result in less people attending your software launch than you initially predicted, and thus diminishing your chances to make yourself known to a larger public.


Launching a software product implies a lot of effort, focus and dedication. Details are as important as ever, and overlooking any of them can have disastrous results. Make sure you dedicate a significant amount of time to planning the launch of your new product. The key is to be patient, as it may actually take more time that initially estimated to have the software ready for launch.

Really consider if you have the resources (human and financial) and the time to take care of everything yourself. It is far better to make an effort and spend some money of a specialized company that will take care of everything for you. Think of it as an investment, not as expenses. What you give now can and will return to you eventually. Take into account the fact that such companies have the experience and the know-how for such events, and after all, the possibility of something going wrong decreasing significantly.

Copyright ? 2006, all rights reserved. This article was written by a Web Marketing Specialist at Avangate B.V. She has in depth knowledge of internet marketing services and website analysis applied to the software industry and e-commerce development. Avangate is an eCommerce platform for electronic software distribution incorporating an easy to use and secure online payment system plus additional marketing and sales tools, such as an affiliate management system, automated cross selling options, software promotion management, software marketing services as well as consultancy on how to increase online software sales. Read more software marketing articles and learn how to sell software online.

This article may be reproduced in a website, e-zine, CD-ROM, book, magazine, etc. so long as the above information is included in full, including the link back to this website.

Author: Adriana Iordan
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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Romney says he would keep parts of Obama healthcare law

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who has called for scrapping President Barack Obama's 2010 U.S. healthcare law, said in remarks aired on Sunday that he likes key parts of "Obamacare" despite his party's loathing of it and wants to retain them.

Romney, who faces Obama in the November 6 election, has vowed throughout the campaign to repeal and replace the Obama healthcare law. But asked about the Obama healthcare law on NBC's "Meet the Press" program, Romney said, "Well, I'm not getting rid of all of healthcare reform."

"Of course, there are a number of things that I like in healthcare reform that I'm going to put in place," Romney added. "One is to make sure that those with pre-existing conditions can get coverage. Two is to assure that the marketplace allows for individuals to have policies that cover their family up to whatever age they might like."

The Obama healthcare law, among other provisions, prevents insurance companies from denying medical coverage to people who already are suffering from a medical condition. It also allows parents to keep their young-adult children on their health insurance plans until age 26.

The law is Obama's signature domestic policy achievement.

Elements of the state healthcare reform plan that Romney put in place as governor of Massachusetts served as a model for the federal law passed by the U.S. Congress and signed by Obama in 2010 despite unified Republican opposition.

"I say we're going to replace Obamacare. And I'm replacing it with my own plan. And even in Massachusetts when I was governor, our plan there deals with pre-existing conditions and with young people," Romney told "Meet the Press."

On the day the Supreme Court upheld the Obama law in June, Romney said the American people must vote the president out of office in order to "get rid of Obamacare." The law is the most sweeping overhaul since the 1960s of the unwieldy U.S. healthcare system.

The Obama law was meant to bring coverage to more than 30 million of the roughly 50 million uninsured and slow soaring medical costs. Republicans say it meddles in the lives of individuals and in the business of the states.

On the divisive social issue of abortion, Romney said it "would be my preference" that the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing it be overturned by any justices who he would appoint to the U.S. Supreme Court if vacancies come up.

"Well, there are a number of things I think that need to be said about preserving and protecting the life of the unborn child. And I recognize there are two lives involved: the mom and the unborn child," Romney said.

"And I believe that people of good conscience have chosen different paths in this regard. But I am pro-life and will intend, if I'm president of the United States, to encourage pro-life policies," he added.

(Reporting by Will Dunham; Editing by Sandra Maler)


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Setting Goals for Fit Living - My Health & Fitness

Everywhere you go there are advertisements for fast food restaurants, enticements from friends wanting you to join them for a happy hour rife with beer and wings, and endless other potential excuses to skip your workouts and put junk into your body that will only make it soft, unattractive while also compromising your health.

With all of the outside pressures placed on us to abandon our healthy convictions we must always be prepared to combat these would-be distractions and stay committed to living a fit and healthy lifestyle.

Healthy LivingHave you ever known someone that made significant improvements to their physique? I?m not talking about someone that lost a measly ten pounds. I?m talking about someone that went from fat (or obese) to being lean and fit.

In reality these people are a rare breed. It is more likely for you to know someone who has been committed to a healthy lifestyle for as long as you?ve known them than it is for you to know someone that transitioned into a healthy lifestyle.

Either way, the point I want to make is how powerful a little preparedness and planning will go towards enabling you to live out your desire of being fit. You?ve probably heard the old axiom, ?an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?.? The same is true here.

Talk to a guy or gal you know that has made significant improvements to their physique and they will tell you that planning was an integral part of their success. Such people plan by:

  • Packing healthy meals for work
  • Structuring their schedules so they can get in their weekly workouts
  • Sacrificing a certain amount of social time
  • Spending more time cooking and preparing their own meals
  • Keeping a training log to track their progress in the gym

I think you get the point.

These individuals figured out, one way or another, that without proper planning they would be susceptible to outside influences and fail to reach their goals.

Actually, I?m getting a little ahead of myself, because before the planning phase can begin there must first be a goal to plan for.

Be a Goal Setter

Setting goals is essential for any successful business or entrepreneur and the same is true for the fitness minded individual as well.

It has been well said that he who aims at nothing inevitably hits it. In other words, if you haven?t given yourself a goal (or something specific to achieve) you can?t expect to achieve much at all.

If you want to improve your physique, start by setting a goal. The goal should be specific, measureable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. This is known in the business world as a SMART goal and it applies perfectly to those with a desire to improve their physique or level of fitness.

Having a goal not only gives you something to strive for, but also gives you the ability to plan.

Knowing what you want to achieve is great, but without a plan to achieve it you aren?t going to get very far.

For instance, if your goal was to lose fifty pounds of fat you?d want to plan by implementing diet and exercise into your schedule. These would be broad, high-level descriptions, which you would then drill down into.

So your diet planning would be refined further by describing how you would go about eating to reach your goal of losing fifty pounds of fat.

This may be something like cutting out carbs 5 days a week, limiting your calories to 1,500 per day, etc. But it would be a specific plan with the sole purpose of progressing you toward your end goal.

You?d then go into the same kind of specifics with your training regimen.

This type of detailed planning can be a little overwhelming for some, which is why many personal trainers and nutritionists have very healthy businesses.

Help for Setting and Reaching Your Goals

There?s absolutely nothing wrong with hiring someone to concoct a plan for you that will enable you to reach your goals. There are coaches and mentors in just about every field and finding a good one to show you how to reach your goals will save you loads of time, countless headaches, and will be worth every penny.

Summing up everything we?ve discussed?

You need to determine what it is you?d like to improve on your physique, set a SMART goal, make the necessary plans to achieve your goal, and see it through to completion.

In case you aren?t sure of a goal you might want to strive for, here are some examples of SMART personal fitness goals to help get your brain moving in that direction:

  • Increase my bench pressing strength by fifty pounds in six months
  • Lose twenty pounds of fat in twelve weeks
  • Gain ten pounds of muscle in four months
  • Improve my mile-run time by thirty seconds in four weeks

Hopefully the examples above have made the gears in your head to start turning and have given you some ideas regarding a personal goal you?d like to achieve in the coming months.

I?d like to leave you with a final thought?

Living a life without goals is living a life without purpose.

Start living a life of purpose today by making the decision to give your health, fitness and physical appearance the attention they deserve. Then, set a realistic goal, map out a plan to reach it (or hire someone to do it for you), and relentlessly pursue your goal until you?ve achieved all that you set out to accomplish.





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Friday, September 7, 2012

Beautify Your Bookcases with Custom Color Changing Lights [DIY Hacks]

Beautify Your Bookcases with Custom Color Changing LightsThis Ikea bookcase does a neat trick: It glows, with ten different color sets and six animation modes you can change with the tap of your foot.

The secret sauce behind the "ExpeditInvaders" is an Arduino board.'s michu installed the two strands of LED modules on his shelves, connected the LED modules to the board, and hot-glued an old PS2 keyboard to the bottom of the bookcase for controlling the show with your feet.

The custom lighting and animation means you can really set the mood for a room. (Dance party!)

Hit up the link below for full instructions and source code.

ExpeditInvaders?The Spiced Up IKEA Shelf | via IkeaHackers


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Amazon?s Writing Is On The Wall For Physical Books

Screen Shot 2012-09-06 at 12.40.14 PM... Literally, like on the presentation wall of what seemed like the longest Amazon Press Event in Amazon Press Event history. For those keeping track at home, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos continued his one man attack on the print publishing industry with the announcements of the Kindle Paperwhite, new Kindle Fire, new Kindle Fire HD and an updated Kindle -- Four new e-reading-focused services?gadgets in total, without counting the Wifi or 3G+Wifi versions.


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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Author Judy Blume diagnosed with breast cancer

FILE - This April 21, 2012 file photo shows author Judy Blume attending the LA Times Festival of Books at the USC Campus in Los Angeles. Blume says she was diagnosed with breast cancer over the summer but is "feeling stronger every day" after surgery. The 74-year-old Blume wrote on her blog Wednesday, Aug. 5, that she learned in June that she had cancer and underwent a mastectomy and reconstruction in late July. She writes that she now walks a couple of miles each morning and dines out at night. Blume hopes to begin writing again soon.(AP Photo/Katy Winn, file)

FILE - This April 21, 2012 file photo shows author Judy Blume attending the LA Times Festival of Books at the USC Campus in Los Angeles. Blume says she was diagnosed with breast cancer over the summer but is "feeling stronger every day" after surgery. The 74-year-old Blume wrote on her blog Wednesday, Aug. 5, that she learned in June that she had cancer and underwent a mastectomy and reconstruction in late July. She writes that she now walks a couple of miles each morning and dines out at night. Blume hopes to begin writing again soon.(AP Photo/Katy Winn, file)

NEW YORK (AP) ? Children's author Judy Blume says she was diagnosed with breast cancer over the summer but is "feeling stronger every day" after surgery.

The 74-year-old Blume wrote on her blog Wednesday that she learned in June that she had cancer and underwent a mastectomy and reconstruction in late July. She writes that she now walks a couple of miles each morning and dines out at night. Blume hopes to begin writing again soon.

She noted that her cancer hadn't been detected by a mammogram or regular physical exam because she has dense breast tissue. Her message for women in a similar situation: Get a sonogram.

Bloom's books include "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret?", "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" and "Deenie."

Associated Press


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Ford unveils 15 fresh models for European market

MILAN (AP) ? Ford Motor Co. on Thursday unveiled 15 new or restyled vehicles for the European market that it will launch over five years to revive slumping sales.

While other carmakers are holding back on new car launches due to tanking European demand, Ford executives announced that the Detroit carmaker will accelerate new car launches, expanding its lineup of SUVs, restyling the hot-selling Fiesta, redesigning its commercial vehicles and launching the iconic Mustang sports car in Europe.

Ford Europe CEO Stephen Odell said improvements in the "brutal" European market are not expected soon. Ford's first-half European sales dropped 10 percent to 517,094 units, a 7.8 percent market share for the fifth-largest carmaker in Europe.

Consumer demand for cars in Europe has plummeted as the sovereign debt crisis has spread to the real economy, cutting economic production and forcing up unemployment in the region. Vehicle sales in the European Union dropped 6.8 percent in the first six months of the year to 6.64 million, from 7.1 million in the same period a year earlier ? raising concerns about factory overcapacity across the continent.

But Odell said Ford wants "to demonstrate that despite the economic crisis, we are investing in the future. ... We want to make a statement loud and clear that we believe there is great opportunity in Europe."

Ford forecasts that car sales in Europe, including Russia, will increase by 20 percent in the next five years to 23 million vehicles. Many of the new vehicles announced at a gathering of Ford dealers in Amsterdam, broadcast live on the Internet, are either restyled versions of existing vehicles or European launches of vehicles available in other world markets, as the car company accelerates its global model strategy devised six years ago to confront the economic crisis in North America.

Ford CEO Alan Mulally said the so-called "One Ford" strategy has helped the automaker post 12 straight quarters of profits.

"In 2017, our European showrooms will feature 15 truly global vehicles," Mulally said, bringing to 71 percent the share of global models in Europe, compared with 43 percent currently.

The refreshed lineup includes a second-generation Kuga midsize SUV to be launched this year, as well as a new Ecosport compact SUV and the European launch of the larger Edge. The new Fiesta small car features a sharper exterior design and will be available with technology aimed at parents of young drivers that sets maximum vehicle speed or volume for in-car audio.

Ford is targeting the lucrative midsize car market with a restyled Mondeo, incorporating the carmaker's new inverted trapezoidal grill. The Mondeo will be available in four-door, five-door, wagon and a four-door gas hybrid electric version, Ford's first full hybrid car for Europe. After shrinking over the last decade, the midsize market has stabilized and Ford is forecasting growth of 15 percent by 2015.

Many of the vehicles will be offered with Ford's 1.0 liter EcoBoost engine that increases performance while achieving greater fuel efficiency.


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Video: Mrs. Obama: Much More to Do!

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mark Abrahamian Dies of Heart Attack; Starship Guitarist was 46

Mark Abrahamian, the lead guitarist for the band Starship, suffered a heart attack following a concert in Nebraska Sunday night and passed away. He was 46.

According to The Associated Press, Abrahamian collapsed in the group's dressing room following a performance in Norfolk. He was then taken to the hospital and pronounced dead.

Wrote Starship on Facebook:

"We are all shocked and saddened at the sudden loss of our guitar player Mark Abrahamian. Mark was a kind, thoughtful and innovative soul. He was also a friend and family member. Mark also happened to be one hell of a guitar player. We are devastated by the loss of our brother and just dealing with it the best we can."

Abrahamian joined the band - whose hits include "We Built This City" and "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" - over a decade ago. We send our thoughts and prayer to his family and friends.


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Malik reviews country's security situation | Pakistan Today | Latest ...

ISLAMABAD?-?Interior Minister Rehman Malik, on Tuesday, chaired a high level meeting to review law and order and security situation of the country.

As per details, during the meeting, it was observed that violence through sectarian divide is being prompted through paid agents of hostile elements of Pakistan.

The analysis done on the basis of available intelligence and from strong indicators, there is a strong nexus between Lashkar-e-Jhangwi and one of the factions of TTP.

It was also observed that TTP is doing it purely based on petty financial gains in Quetta and around Quetta.

There are two former Harkat-al-Ansar terrorists who are supervising and handling the killings of the innocent Shias. It includes also the role of Asmat Maavia who is operating in upper Punjab and Central Punjab.

It is beyond doubt that there is no religious strife between Sunnis and Shias whereas the hostile elements are trying to create a conflict between Sunnis and Shias after killing of Shias and Sunnis.

It has also been observed that Mastung area is full of united elements hailing from TTP, BLA and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. The intelligence agencies have also identified some of the camps of militants around that area and accordingly FC is being directed to raid those camps without further delay and FC to also ensure that they only raid on the specific information on specific targets to avoid any casualty of innocent people.

The intelligence agencies also suggested that there is special conspiracy plan to kill Hazaras in maximum numbers to create unrest and chaos in Quetta and adjoining areas to achieve their nefarious designs.

Rehman Malik appreciated the recent intercept where huge load of weapons and ammunition discovered in the clothes going from Khyber to Karachi which has averted major terrorist acts already pointed out by the Ministry of Interior two weeks back.

Home Secretaries of Sindh and Balochistan have been directed to monitor the entry and exit points of Karachi and Quetta respectively to avoid further act of terrorism in these two cities. The officers posted out to Balochistan from FIA have been ordered to be relieved with immediate effect.

The FIA DG has been further directed to verify the antecedents of some agents working for their masters abroad urgently. FIA DG and FC IG were asked to form a task force to monitor the border with Afghanistan and Iran to control human trafficking and movement of terrorists.

IB DG has been directed to submit comprehensive report based on the available intelligence about the recent wave of sectarian terrorism. The two intelligence agencies (IB and ISI) have been directed to provide real time intelligence to FC and police to counter the recent wave of sectarianism in Quetta.

Security during Muharram was also reviewed and Secretary Interior has been directed to hold a preliminary meeting with all the Home Secretaries, IGs and intelligence agencies to work out a security plan for the entire country during Muharram. The FATA additional chief secretary has also been directed to take special measures in Parachinar to avoid any untoward incident.

Punjab government may be requested that a crackdown on the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi hideouts should be carried without further delay as most sectarian terrorists cases have been owned by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.

All the five provincial governments have been directed to send the progress report to the Ministry of Interior as to how many members of proscribed organisations have been placed in Schedule 4 of ATA enabling the federal agencies to monitor their activities.

FIA DG has been directed to provide list of those who are violating ATA or they are already wanted by the law. All the members of proscribed organisations have been placed on ECL with immediate effect. A complete investigation has been ordered into the visits of Ishaq Malik abroad.

Earlier, MNA Mir Humayun Aziz Kurd called on the Interior Minister and discussed problems of his area related to NADRA and Passports.