Monday, September 10, 2012

Mistakes in Launching a Software Product | Tech With Us

Ideally the launching of a software product should be the coronation of the enormous amount of effort (and expenses) dedicated by a company to the development of a new product that is meant to help it gain some terrain over its competition.

Unfortunately, things do not always go as smooth as it would be expected. There are cases though when a product?s launch goes exactly as scheduled, when the software functions perfectly, or when unexpected situations do not occur. Nevertheless, undesirable situations can be avoided, if not altogether, at least to a quite great extent.

Common Mistakes When Launching a Software Product

Rumor has it that ?to err is human?. Yet, errors made when launching or preparing to launch a software product can cost dearly. Any aspect that was neglected or treated superficially can have significant negative consequences. Following are some of the most common mistakes that are made during or before launching a product.

- Failure to perform an accurate, thorough market research. It is imperative that you find out as accurately as possible what segment of the market your software will be dedicated to, what needs there are on that particular segment and how you can meet them, what prospective customers expect to get, how the media sees the product you?re envisaging, etc.

I also found an article you might find useful, ?11 Questions Every Marketer Needs to Ask? , dealing with aspects like pricing, segmentation, product positioning etc.

- Not being realistic about the expenses implied by such an event. The budget must be well thought. Be realistic when assessing the costs of your product launch. If you don?t plan everything well enough, you could end up spending much more than originally predicted. Even better, you could propose a bigger budget for the unforeseen situations; preventing is better that facing.

- Not dedicating enough time for planning a marketing strategy. It is important to give yourself enough time to plan ahead. You must be able to see into the future up to the moment when the product will be launched and establish a series of steps that you must go through prior to the launch itself. Such steps would include:

1. thoroughly investigating the market and attempting to find out where you stand

2. analyzing your past experience in conjunction with what you are planning to do and how

3. preparing information that will go to the media (e.g. press releases), as well as advertising campaigns.

- Ignoring the fact that it is the market that dictates your product. Always remember that you have to be objective. It?s not about what you want, but what the people need. It is according to this need that you have to develop your software.
Not providing all the necessary data to the company that takes care of your software?s launch. Of course, the best approach would be, if the budget allows it, to hire professionals that will handle all the process before and during the launch of your software. But be prepared to provide them with all the data that they need, both on your company and on the software you are working on.

Failure to do so can have catastrophic results, as insufficient data can lead to an unsatisfied audience, poor coverage in the media, negative comments, and, ultimately, in your failure to reach your goal.

- Failure to pre-launch or to announce your software?s launching. Don?t just organize the launching event, and, when that day comes, expect it to be all peachy. It won?t. Create awareness about your new software some time in advance. Let your prospective customers know that you?re going to have a software product launch by means of newsletters.

Tell them a few things about the new product, not too much so as to spoil the surprise, but enough to capture their interest. Make sure you have a demo available so that they can actually see what it will be about. I also recommend this article about online software marketing methods giving hints on pre-launching software methods.

- Not analyzing the feedback you get on your beta version. If you release a beta version of your software so that you can see what potential users/customers think about it, make sure you are open minded and prepared to receive a lot of criticism. Look at it constructively, and don?t take it personally. Even if some comments will be rude, keep in mind that most of them will help you notice the flaws of your software and thus allow you to correct them before the actual launch.

Some ways to get feedback are:

1. feedback survey

2. contact form

3. when uninstalling software (the user is asked for the reasons for uninstalling the program)

4. support forum

5. testimonials, etc.

- Not testing the product yourself. You have to put yourself in the customer?s shoes. See how you feel when you use the software. Does it respond well to commands? Does it answer your needs? Here is an article, ?The Other Side of the Interface? , which I personally enjoyed a lot. It provides helpful information about the psychological impact that computer software have on the overall perception of humans.

- Choosing the bad time for the launch. Most experts say that it is preferable to choose a day when most of the people you target are free, such as weekends. Also, it?s best not to choose a day that also corresponds to a significant national or religious holiday. Don?t neglect the time of day when the launch is scheduled. Make sure it?s not too early or too late into the day. Otherwise, you will not be able to capture your audience?s attention, as you should.

- Failure to get all the necessary resources for a successful launching event. Make sure you have everything covered, from featured speakers to catering (if applicable), from technology (computers, video projectors, etc.) to sound systems.

- Not giving enough time to your prospective customers to prepare. Bear in mind that you have to let people know about this event at least 2-3 weeks before its scheduled date. Give them time to make arrangements and to check their agendas for that date. Failure to do so can result in less people attending your software launch than you initially predicted, and thus diminishing your chances to make yourself known to a larger public.


Launching a software product implies a lot of effort, focus and dedication. Details are as important as ever, and overlooking any of them can have disastrous results. Make sure you dedicate a significant amount of time to planning the launch of your new product. The key is to be patient, as it may actually take more time that initially estimated to have the software ready for launch.

Really consider if you have the resources (human and financial) and the time to take care of everything yourself. It is far better to make an effort and spend some money of a specialized company that will take care of everything for you. Think of it as an investment, not as expenses. What you give now can and will return to you eventually. Take into account the fact that such companies have the experience and the know-how for such events, and after all, the possibility of something going wrong decreasing significantly.

Copyright ? 2006, all rights reserved. This article was written by a Web Marketing Specialist at Avangate B.V. She has in depth knowledge of internet marketing services and website analysis applied to the software industry and e-commerce development. Avangate is an eCommerce platform for electronic software distribution incorporating an easy to use and secure online payment system plus additional marketing and sales tools, such as an affiliate management system, automated cross selling options, software promotion management, software marketing services as well as consultancy on how to increase online software sales. Read more software marketing articles and learn how to sell software online.

This article may be reproduced in a website, e-zine, CD-ROM, book, magazine, etc. so long as the above information is included in full, including the link back to this website.

Author: Adriana Iordan
Article Source:
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