Wednesday, August 1, 2012

IPF Corporate Fit Challenge | Island Pilates & Fitness

Could your workplace do with some enthusiasm, camaraderie, and healthier lifestyle choices?? The Corporate Fit Challenge is a proven progam that?will bring energy, health, happiness and results to your place of work, no matter how big or small!


In just six weeks, you will feel better, sleep better, shed pounds and get fit!!? Working out as a group will help keep you accountable and get the results you?re looking for!


GET FIT with two personal coaching sessions & individualized fitness programs.

GET SLIM with our simple, effective and?delicious?Food Plan.

GET TOGETHER and have?FUN with 5 optional group workouts.

GET ACCOUNTABILITY from your coach and team mates.

GET RESULTS with weight and inches lost and increased strength and endurance.

GET HEALTHY! Healthy employees are happy employees and happy employees are more productive, have more energy and can increase your bottom line!

The average?CFC?participant loses 10-12 pounds and 8-10 inches.? All participants improve their fitness abilities.? Other benefits include reduced blood pressure, lower blood sugar levels, decreased stress, improved sleep, increased energy and higher self-esteem.

Invite your family and friends to join you on this journey to better health.? The CFC is suitable for any group of people that get together, it doesn?t necessarily have to be your workplace.?

Check out some testimonials from previous Corporate Fit Challengers from the City of Courtenay:

?I cannot tell you how much better I feel about myself, both mentally and physically. I have more energy and confidence. I highly recommend this program to anyone who wants a lifestyle overhaul.? Irene B.

?Hi Leanne. Thanks for your constant encouragement, the support system is a critical element of this program. If I wasn?t hearing from you and my team members I suspect that I would have fallen down by now. Three weeks in and I feel great, have already noticed that my clothes fit better and my energy level is up.? Thanks for your encouragement! Paige K.

?Generally we spend more waking hours with our co-workers than we do with our family and friends. The program works well because of the motivation, support and fun competition that surrounds you from your co-workers during your work week. I love the camaraderie & the team spirit that I get from doing the Corporate Fit Challenge to keep me inspired in my fitness regime.? Mickey D.

?Leanne is truly dedicated to getting us on the right track. The Corporate Fit Challenge has been an eye-opener for me and has made me want to work at improving my lifelong eating and exercise habits.? A.G.

For more information on the Corporate Fit Challenge, email or call now.? You can also book a brief presentation at your workplace to learn more!

Email or call 250.703.CORE (2673).


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