Saturday, August 4, 2012

Would You Prefer a President Who Is Book Smart or Street Smart?

For instance, when we asked whether respondents thought their lives would get better, get worse, or stay the same if Barack Obama were re-elected, the largest group (27.5 percent) projected that things would turn ?somewhat better.? Again, that?s a marginal increase from June?s 26.1 percent. But when we asked the same question of Romney, people?s confidence slumped. Only 22 percent thought their lives would improve ?somewhat,? which is bad enough. But the combined total of survey takers who supposed a Romney White House would make their lives either ?a great deal better? or ?somewhat better? fell from 34 percent to 27.6 percent between June and July. A combined 49.3 percent?up from 42 percent in June?suspected things would worsen with Mitt at the helm.


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